SharePoint &

Display and automate SharePoint content and Excel sheets within SharePoint folders in near real-time.
Vibe leverages digital signage screens, screensavers and web browsers to help your SharePoint content reach the entire workforce.

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Increase SharePoint engagement

Make your SharePoint content go the extra mile. Deliver high-value messages to your workforce
and drive traffic to your intranet by presenting the latest information and data insights to your staff
— without extra effort from your communications team.

Automated updates for effortless content delivery

Vibe pulls SharePoint data to add news articles, company notices, event calendars, project information, task lists and more to your screens in near real-time, without added work.

Bring spreadsheet data to life

Vibe extracts data directly from Excel sheets within SharePoint folders. Make changes in Excel and see them automatically show up on screen. This seamless integration is great for updating and sharing data insights and productivity metrics. 

Make intranet content accessible

Ensure intranet content is accessible to everyone. Share high-value intranet content to those in your workforce without access to a device.

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Set up your SharePoint integration for seamless data automation.

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SharePoint not your preferred workplace app?

Connect with the tools you already use to efficiently communicate high-value messages to your workforce without draining your resources.

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