Ryman Healthcare
Edmund Hillary Retirement Village
A modern communication tool for an entire organisation
A modern communication tool for an entire organisation
When you have 730 residents living in one of the Southern Hemisphere’s largest retirement villages, in a range of accommodation circumstances, spread across multiple buildings, the sheer scale presents major communication challenges.
It’s no wonder traditional methods involving paper, noticeboards and whiteboards weren’t effective for Ryman Healthcare. Information changed so quickly that by the time boards were scribbled on, or word of mouth messages passed on, messaging had already moved on!
Vibe.fyi’s flexible content management system makes it easy to communicate with accuracy and speed across multiple locations. Having retired out-of-date communication methods, Ryman Healthcare can now create, customise and deploy lively and engaging communication to residents in moments.
This content is simple to design, schedule and update and adds the 'feel-good' factor for residents.
Currently, screens are positioned strategically in common areas within the main buildings - including reception, foyers and cafés - as well as providing an in-room TV feed to residents' apartments. In addition, there is a screen in the staff lunchroom for communicating with staff.
I'm not an IT person at all, but the Vibe system is super easy to use, requiring minimal input.
The screens are fabulous and have been a great tool for improving the accuracy of information, removing a lot of frustration around the village.
If we took it away now, there would be a riot!
Being able to set all the screens up differently is fantastic. It provides a real 'feel-good' factor for residents.
It has helped raise awareness around services we offer.
The screens have not only been a great visual aid for residents, they have also been an excellent marketing and sales tool.
When choosing a product, Vibe.fyi ticked all the boxes.
Vibe was head and shoulders above the rest, because it offered the best and simplest application.
Vibe.fyi has helped the team improve resident engagement
The MATV feed is hugely popular with residents who don't have to leave the comfort of their own room to access information about what's going on in the village.
The flexibility of the Vibe.fyi solution impressed our project team
Some screens show events; others display news, weather and quizzes; and others a ‘personal touch’, with birthdays and anniversaries.
Ryman Healthcare can set each screen up differently.
Vibe.fyi’s web-based technology means the team can manage content from anywhere, anytime.
A single communication solution that breaks down geographical boundaries between locations and unifies messaging.
Better business performance starts with a good company 'Vibe'.